Familie Zbinden

Familie Zbinden

History and origin of the Zbinden from Jaberg BE


There are several branches of the Zbinden surname, ours comes from Jaberg BE.

We live scattered across the canton of Bern and the canton of Zurich. A fixed point for our family is the community of Uettligen, today part of the community of Wohlen near Bern.

The origin of the name was wrongly derived in our family for a long time because we were guided by the motif of the family coat of arms. But thanks to historians and Radio SRF, we now know that Zbinden refers to “des Fassbinder’s son”. So our ancestors were coopers.

Jaberg BE

Our hometown is a small, tranquil, rural community with about 300 inhabitants. It is located near Thun BE. Information on this can be found on the Jaberg page of Wikipedia

Jabärg song

The community has its own song, of course in Bernese German:

“U we me chunnt über d’ Jabärgbrügg, de steit me im Jabärg-Dörfli. Es liegt verströit i de Matte, du fingsch es uf ker Charte das chline Jabärg-Dörfli.”